5 Feet of Fury

When reality itself is ‘racist’

Steve Sailer Tyler Cowen:

Some people are puzzled as to how human, pig, and bird strains of the flu have mixed together, but if you have spent any time in rural Mexico the answer is obvious: these creatures all live together in close quarters.

Very similar to one of my most notorious “hate quotes” — the one making the rounds thanks to Liberal Party operatives: when I observed on this blog that in Toronto’s Chinatown, denizens habitually spit on the sidewalk (sidewalks littered with “broken crates of boc choy”) and that such spitting is a known spreader of disease.

That was an easily verifiable, not to mention scientifically sound, observation. One that, in a different time and place, could have been made by George Orwell in Down and Out in Paris and London.

Alas, my biggest problem is that my enemies aren’t as well read as I am, yet hold positions of power over me.
