OK, this isn’t up on the Macleans.ca site yet, but there is no way I can wait to post on it.
Their latest cover story touts the “disturbing new poll” of over one thousand randomly selected Canadians conducted by Angus Reid.
This “disturbing new poll” basically reveals that… millions of Canadians think exactly like I do, just as they have for generations, and still do outside places like Toronto and Vancouver.
For example, here are some of the “disturbing” findings:
* 45% believe that mainstream Islam encourages violence. Oddly enough! Not sure where folks get that idea…
* 26% believe Sikhism encourages violence. I think that’s pretty low, considering all male Sikhs claim it is their religious duty to carry knives. Oh, and then there’s this…
* 62% think “laws and norms should NOT be modified to accomodate minorities.”
In the article proper, self-appointed King of Canadian Jews Bernie Farber — who has called me a “racist” on a couple of occasions — is given more space to blather on than I ever will in the pages of Maclean’s.
Bernie is shocked, shocked that his fellow Establishment Liberals’ four-decade long campaign to get us all to love one another and overlook each other’s differences (like how some of us kill people a lot and believe weird stuff and don’t act right, and others, not so much)– a campaign largely (and involuntarily) financed by the same ordinary Canadian citizens who finally got to speak their minds in the poll.
Bernie tsks away at all us bigots and racists for paragraph upon paragraph.
So does Andrew Grenville, the Angus Reid guy. “This runs counter to all we espouse,” wails Grenville, presumably after cashing his hefty cheque.
Finally, Maclean’s itself sniffs: “Canadians might try a little soul searching.”
Ken Whyte himself — who some of us mistakenly assumed wasn’t your run of the mill Canadian Establishment doofus — rakes Jason Kenney over the coals in a very long interview, again and again expressing fairly snotty disbelief and outrage at the Minister, who (what a racist!!) wants immigrants to, like, maybe, kinda, you know — act Canadian.
(PS: Maclean’s: you spelled “Mohamed Elmasry” wrong on page 18. I know journalists are our moral and intellectual superiors, so I guess that just slipped by even though HE SUED YOUR FRICKIN’ MAGAZINE a couple of years ago!)
Whyte says the Angus Reid poll shows “an unhealthily low level of tolerance toward immigrant communities in Canada…”
That “still” is the key.
Like I said: Canada’s Smug Liberal Establishment has been engaged in a multi-generational campaign to get the rest of us to change our very natures, to give up the natural, healthy suspicion all sane mature adults have when they first encounter and/or are forced to interact with people who are different than they are, and don’t necessarily think or speak like them.
A suspicion that rightly turns into contempt when Bernie Farber and Co. purposely set victim groups against each other, using tools such as the Human Rights Commissions — all in the name of “tolerance” and its mutally exclusive partner, “diversity”.
And, did I mention, all paid for by you and me and our involuntarily extorted tax dollars?
According to this Angus Reid poll, in other words, the views expressed on this blog are more likely to reflect those of the average Canadian than those expressed by the editor of its biggest newsmagazine, and by members of the Canadian Establishment, with their cushy phoney baloney jobs and perks and cocktail party invitations and Orders of Canada.
This also means that when Bernie Farber and his friends call me a “racist” and a “bigot” and so forth, they are also calling millions of ordinary Canadians racists and bigots, too.
Alas, these are the people running my country.
And they always will be.
People who ask me — and I get asked this a lot — why I’m not writing for the National Post or whathaveyou, “when That Idiot So And So has a column”, all I can say is:
See? This is what I’ve been trying to tell you…
UPDATE: Jay gets it. Also doesn’t have a newspaper column for some reason:
One of the many things Harper has yet to clue into is that 40 years of mass immigration have annoyed a great number of Canadians. 300,000 a year more immigrants, increasingly drawn from backward Islamic nations like Somalia (‘cause the Chinese and the Indians are less inclined to come now that they coining money at home) plus a refugee “system” which is beyond broken, plus assorted gang slayings rather directly traceable to that immigration, are not sitting well with the majority of Canadians. Pace Bernie Farber, but this is a reasonable response to an assault perpetrated by an isolated elite (who can afford to send their kids to private school or have the pull to get them into ESL free French immersion).
UPDATE: more “racists” weigh in, breathe (anonymous) sighs of relief to learn they aren’t alone.