5 Feet of Fury

‘Everyone’s been ASKING if he was gay?’

If you grew up in the 1980s and weren’t a total feathered hair fubar, this now-familiar “video game/movie-about-the kid-with-the-rabbit” re-arrangement is already one of your “Default Drinking Alone/Funeral Mix-Tape” songs:

(No, it’s not your “Alternative National Anthem”. That would be this…)

But if that doesn’t describe you, then — oh well. You’re probably going “huh?” right now.

I stopped watching this season when they kicked off the Supertalented Hat Wearing Black Friend of The Guy Whose Young Wife Died in a Car Crash. But it looks like I didn’t have to watch anyway, because this Adam guy either places second or beats the Dead Wife Dude.

So’s you know.