5 Feet of Fury

All my current problems, if you want to call them that, can be traced back to one simple fact:

My enemies aren’t as well read as I am.

And I don’ t see why I should have to suffer because of their stupidity…

Mark Steyn’s classic essay on Kingsley Amis:

When Amis pere starts airily expounding on South African blacks, he’s just trying to bait some bleeding-heart dinner guest: he’s given no thought to South Africa and he’s no great interest in blacks over there, or whites.

When Amis fils starts mulling deportation and travel restrictions for Muslims, it’s because he’s given an awful lot of thought to them these last five years. He means it. Which in turns mean, according to taste, he’s either far more politically credible than his dad or far nuttier. 

Me? I’m trying to bait you.

And I mean it.

Also: Beverly Hills Cop IS a flawless masterpiece.

UPDATE: I can’t find it online, but one of the most liberating moments of my life occurred when a friend showed me a cartoon about “Fives” in an Enneagram book (and yes, I realize how pathetic that sounds).

The two panel cartoon showed a woman saying:

“I’ve finally figured out why people call me an arrogant know-it-all!

“It’s because they’re STUPID!!!”