5 Feet of Fury

Kate McMillan on the stupid ‘anonymous commenters’ decision by a Canadian judge

My co-defendant in a separate but related case, Kate of SmallDeadAnimals writes:

The infuriating part of this fiasco is that as a blog owner, I’ve notified (by telephone and email) internet service providers when I’ve encountered potentially serious threats (the most recent was against a Liberal politician). These incidents should be clear “terms of service” violations, and easily acted upon by the ISP.

Well, good luck with that.

I’ve even gone as far as filing a documented report with the RCMP and regional police over a persistent commentor who was making repeated, specific threats towards named individuals. To the best of my knowledge, those too went down a black hole.

I’m beginning to think that my tactics were flawed. Had I forwarded the ip addresses to the Canadian Human Rights Commission alleging that the commentor had stated it was “Time to go back to when the women n**ger imports knew their place”, instead of merely threatening named police officers with execution, someone might have actually acted on the complaint…