5 Feet of Fury

Hey… this sounds… so… familiar…

Must read:

The Other McCain explains Astro-turf, seminar callers and why “Andrew Breitbart is becoming one of the most important columnists in America today”:

Ace of Spades was the first to call my attention to the pervasiveness of Obama’s Astroturf blog-troll army. They seemed to start showing up in July, and by September they were ubiquitous. They are apparently paid to do this, and they have persisted past Election Day. In January, they were caught trying to plant “hate” memes at Team Sarah in an effort to discredit Palin.


Ever heard of the “diamond pattern”? CPUSA operatives used this tactic to control meetings (of labor unions, etc.) back in the day. Send four operatives to the meeting, stationing one at the front of the room, one at the rear, and one each on the left and right sides of the midpoint of the room. When one operative stands up to make his point, the other three are like, “Yeah, he’s right!” This creates the appearance of support throughout the room, in order to bring bandwagon psychology into play.