5 Feet of Fury

‘Ranson note racism’ targets moderate, conservative Canadian Muslim

More “ransom note racism” on display, this time targeting Salim Mansur, a Muslim who writes for the Sun newspapers:

Mr. Balson takes Salim Mansur’s quote “What needs noting, however, is the irony that Brown, Wilders, the liberal elite in the West with their insistence on limiting free speech, and the Muslim thugs — from the potentates who rule in the Arab-Muslim world to those who riot in the streets — are all in agreement that Muslims generally are programmed by Islam and its sacred text, the Qur’an, to engage in violence” and removes a better part of it, thereby completely changing the meaning of the statement. 


Many of Western journalists have no clue what radical Islam is, yet, those self-righteous hacks feel the duty to protect “innocent Muslims” (Islamic fundamentalists) while slinging obscene amounts of dirt at “racists” (people who expose radical Islam.) Those “racists” include anti-Islamist Muslims like Salim Mansur.

Of course, I’m speaking at an event in London, Ontario next month, with Ezra Levant and… Salim Mansur.

Now we’ve ALL been targeted with “ransom note racism”! (I’m sure Ezra has countless times in the past — I just don’t have any links. I know he’s been called a “Nazi sympathizer” even though he’s Jewish…)

All this campaign against us is doing is drumming up interest in our talk. We’ve had to move to a larger venue, as I mentioned a while back.

When the details are firmed up, believe me: you’ll all be the first to know.