5 Feet of Fury

No sane person would want to live in the world the Canadian Jewish Congress approves of

While I was preoccupied with my duties (and I use the word intentionally) as the only shiksa among only a dozen Jews who’d assembled to face down thousands of Toronto Muslims weilding the flags of illegal terrorist groups a few months back;

while the CJC and the Jackal were clearly otherwise occupied, perhaps digging up a handful of sentences from my nine years of daily blogging, and heavily editing them to make them sound sufficiently “offensive”, something that’s been done before to others who certain people didn’t approve of;

while the Jewish child standing beside me was threatened with death by a Muslim woman and the cops standing just a few feet away did nothing…

Here’s what the Canadian Jewish Congress was busily putting together:

On exhibit until March 22 at an Outremont community centre, they feature work by cartoonists from France, Israel, the Palestinian territories, Egypt, Iran, Russia, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, Singapore and the United States.

“Their drawings define the contours of pluralism, openness and tolerance,” said Victor Goldbloom, president of the Quebec chapter of the Canadian Jewish Congress, one of the event’s sponsors.

Newspaper cartoons can be extremely touchy – just think of the riots provoked by cartoons of the prophet Mohammed in Denmark in 2005, or the counterprotests over Iran’s International Holocaust Cartoon Competition in 2006, Plantu and Kichka said.

Those controversies could have been avoided if wiser heads had prevailed and such inflammatory cartoons had never been published, they said. 

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