Sad. Very sad.
Michael J. Murphy, aka blogger BigCityLib, is a known as BigCityLiar for a reason.
He’s been part of last month’s smear campaign against me.
How’s that coming along?
* Well, he and the Lying Jackal tried to get me bumped from a TVO panel for being a “white supremacist.” They did that by calling their MPs (!) and harrassing the show’s young female producer.
(I’m old enough to remember when the liberals’ favorite saying was a snide, “Hey, if you don’t like what’s on tv, all you have to do is change the channel…”)
What happened?
The show’s host told them to **** off (although, being Steve Paikin, he was way more polite than that.) They were denounced in the House of Commons for trying to interfere with a public broadcaster’s production decisions for political personal reasons.
A bunch of people heard about this, felt sorry for me, and sent me thousands of dollars and wonderfully supportive emails. Thanks!
* Liberal operatives tried to get me and another conservative blogger kicked off a media junket to Israel. The group running the junket told them to **** off (although probably in Yiddish or something.) The trip’s been postponed due to the crappy economy, but it is still going ahead as soon as financially feasible and they’re determined to have me be part of it.
Oh, and a guy behind that part of the smear campaign? It backfired on him bigtime.
* Which brings us to BigCityLib’s latest and most embarrassing **** up.
Here’s what he posted on Saturday, March 7, 2009 (I have screen shots in case he takes this post down):
Levant and Shaidle Redacted?
I have been told, but have been unable to confirm, that the event I noted here, with Ezra Levant and Kathy Shaidle addressing the London Jewish Federation on Monday, April 13th, “is no longer on”.Don’t know if the literally several emails my readers and I sent had anything to do with this alleged decision. If so: Booyah!!! Booyah!!!
But again, this has not been confirmed. Yo!!! Ezra!!! Lard-Ass!!! I hear you’ve been bounced!!! True, or no?
Sadly for Michael Murphy, he’s once again made an ass of himself.
Oh sure, the organizers of the event have indeed received emails from known lefty operatives complaining about Ezra and I. They’ve ignored them, because that’s what you do when you are important people and you are being harrassed by cranks and liars with too much time on their hands.
This morning, I received the following email from one of the organizers of the London event:
The event has not been cancelled. Due to the huge response we are looking at a larger venue.
Nice going, BigCityLib. If anything, the smear campaign against me has just:
* added interest to a bunch of decidedly UNcancelled TV appearances and public speaking engagements
* increased my blog hits about 25% over the last couple of weeks
* brought me in a bunch of sympathy donations from generous, principled folks of various poltical backgrounds (not to mention various races, btw)
* made you look like the unadulterated, twisted, impotently obsessed and highly envious jackass you are!