5 Feet of Fury

How ordinary people have those “honest discussions about race in America”

Anonymously, at a sarcastic web site, because otherwise, well, read the story…

Note how many commenters bring up the Civil Rights Act. Approvingly.

Now you know why Goldwater voted against it. It was unconstitutional.

No one should be forced by the State — with its unlimited military and other coercive powers — to enter into a contract involuntarily, especially when their private property, into which they have presumably invested considerable capital, is involved.

No one has a “right” to live in a particular building owned by another person. That used to be a “duh.”

This white woman doesn’t like black people. She wants to put a sign in her window saying so. Stupid and sad, but so what? Lots of blacks don’t like white people, or Korean store owners, or whathaveyou. How can any of that be illegal?

Her authentic right to express her opinion, and her freedom of association, supercedes the imaginary, cooked-up-in-the-60s “right” to live on someone else’s property.

How is her bigotry the business of the State? Let her and her neighbors yell at each other across the fence. If someone commits assault and battery, trespasses or otherwise vandalizes someone’s property in the process, call the police.

Now, I’d really like to read a deeper news story investigating why, apparently, there is some kind of black/white animosity in Niagara Falls these days. Are these lone nuts or do they represent some kind of trend? How long has this been going on?

Oh wait: what am I thinking…?