5 Feet of Fury

John Hawkins: where Rush Limbaugh went astray at CPAC

He writes:

Having the best principles and philosophy is all well and good, but we’re not going to win future elections in this country if we spend all our time talking about the philosophies of Hayek, Burke, and Friedman, while ignoring the day-to-day issues that voters care about.


To name one issue, it has gotten to the point where I cringe when a Republican starts talking about income tax cuts like they’re a political powerhouse. That sounds almost like conservative sacrilege, doesn’t it? Yet, as most of the conservatives reading this column know, more than 40% of Americans pay no income tax. So, how effective of an issue is that to those people compared to, say health care, an issue that we have allowed the Democrats to own because we’re still pretending that it’s 1980, when that wasn’t a hot topic?