5 Feet of Fury

One of these things is not like the other

I wouldn’t have missed Rush’s speech — carried live on FOX News — for anything. It was no “Cross of Gold” or “A Time For Choosing” but he said all the right things, albeit in a somewhat unfocused, rambling, and repetative way. That’s said, it is well worth reading or watching.

What a contrast to the latest perscriptions from the Canadian Media Incest Lottery Winner.

In both cases, part of the real action’s in the comments at HotAir.

As I’ve said before, GOP types need to focus less on “bloggers” (assuming they focus on them at all) and pay close attention to the commenters — the by-and-large normal people who aren’t lucky enough to have high profile media gigs.

Of course, not all commenters are clever. Take “Real” over at SDA. He complained that Rush used a lisp when he was imitating the very gay Barney Frank. Homophobia!!

But the thing is: Barney Frank (er, Fwank) weally does tawk wid a wisp.

But you know “progressives”: they get so agitated when Reality itself turns out to be Bigoted…