5 Feet of Fury

Crazy old Indian not guilty of hate speech

Phew. I bet he was terrified of getting sent to one of those “sentencing circles”…

Luckily, the judge’s magical ESP powers save the day:

Provincial court Judge Wilfred Tucker said the remarks made six years ago were “revolting, disgusting and untrue.” But Tucker said he didn’t believe Ahenakew had the intention of promoting hate when he made them.


Tucker said he couldn’t ascribe an ill motive to Ahenakew because he never intended to talk about the subject with the reporter and at one point terminated the interview. The judge also said he believed the comments Ahenakew made in his speech weren’t premeditated.

And thank God we have newspapers that helpfully reprint the Indian’s hateful remarks for even more people to read than would have heard them originally!

What a relief to know the System works and that Canada remains a tolerant, mulitcultural nation where all races and creeds get along JUST fine. Now we can put away our machetes.