5 Feet of Fury

‘Our Sister Aqsa’

Binks writes:

So either Aqsa is our sister, or we’re in on the murder and coverup. It’s part of being a morally-aware and awake person. The moral claims of the mere existence of ‘another-such-as-I’ lay hold upon me, and if I should shrug that duty off, I shrug off my very humanity, and that for which 3500 years of religion, philosophy, and law has prepared me to be.

Feminists might claim her as a sister– only if he has the right opinions. They’re sad liberal tribalists anyway.

I am– at least according to the gutless, soulless, witless commandments of political correctness– a sh*t-disturber.

I aim to misbehave.

Meanwhile, here’s something Chris Selley somehow missed in his research, while he was focussed on uncovering all the rude, nasty things I write on this blog — as Robert Spencer explains:

Meanwhile, the Islamic Society of North America, an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case, owns all the land surrounding the gravesite, preventing us from placing a monument near Aqsa’s grave.