5 Feet of Fury

News flash: everyone’s a racist

Charles M. Blow writes:

I called Brian Nosek, an associate professor in psychology at the University of Virginia and the director of Project Implicit, to find out. According to him, our brains automatically make associations based on our experiences and the information we receive, whether we consciously agree with those associations or not. He said that many egalitarian test-takers were shown to have an implicit anti-black bias, much to their chagrin. Professor Nosek took the test himself, and even he showed a pro-white/anti-black bias. Basically, our brains have a mind of their own.

PLUS: Gary Graham admits, “I’m a racist coward!”

I hear Eric Holder’s words and I get a chill up my spine.  It doesn’t sound like freedom from racism to me. It sounds like reverse racism.  It smacks of concepts like “reparations”…”affirmative action” (code for racial preferences)…and “get-even-with-‘em”… So, Mr. Holder, what can I infer from your words…but a tacit warning?

This, Mr. Attorney General…this is what you want to stir up?  You should be ecstatic for the ultimate affirmative action as reflected on November 4th.  White guilt to a very large extent enabled a charming but inexperienced young socialist to assume the reins of the most powerful nation in the world.  And still we are cowards because we don’t talk about race enough?

Dude – are you off your meds??