5 Feet of Fury

You’re actually paying this woman to run your life

Mark Steyn slapped Cheri Denovo around at the hearing, but she doesn’t have the good sense to shut up and take it like a good little girl.

PS: there is no “right to housing”, and that “right” has nothing to do with “freedom.” I should have the freedom to deny you the use of MY property, and to refrain from entering into a contract with you. That’s how the world worked for about a thousand years, before losers like Cheri Denovo got your hands on it.

Goldwater-style opposition to compulsory integration, however, is entirely dead. Goldwater was no racist himself: he integrated the Arizona Air National Guard and abolished segregation in his family’s department stores. But he took states’ rights and property rights seriously, so that as late as 1988 he could tell the New Yorker, “I voted against civil-rights legislation because I thought it was unconstitutional. I still believe that if you have a boarding house and you don’t want to rent to a Jew or a black man or an Irishman, you have that right.” That’s a principled, unpopular position – one that no Republican would dream of giving voice to today.

See, Cheri, we do have answers to your questions. They’re just answers you wouldn’t like very much. And which can get us in trouble simply for uttering them in public, because they advocate breaking what we laughingly refer to as “the law.”