5 Feet of Fury

“I’m more than brave enough to put my name and face to my hatred — are you?”

Julie Burchill bashes Media Incest Lottery sticks up for Jade Goody:

A working-class kid has less chance of moving up the ladder than they did 50 years ago now even the few good jobs (by which I mean both well-paid and a skive) which a bright, poor teenager could get into, like showbiz and journalism, are going to dim, posh nobodies, who can blame ordinary kids for grabbing the chance to get rich quick with both hands?

To me, the automatic ascent to fame of the SADOFFs — Sons And Daughters Of Famous Folk — is far more suspect and wearisome than the overnight fame of the Kids From Nowhere. (…)

The daughter of a gay mother and a mixed-race father, Goody has been accused of both homophobia and racism by pretentious, privileged idiots. (…)

Those who call [chavs] racist may well harbour all sorts of shady feelings of fear and frustration towards unknown groups of people and be glad to have found, in the white working-class, a hate target which is well beyond the protection of the CRE.