5 Feet of Fury

Blogging gets results! Funds slashed to Canadian Arab Federation?

BlazingCatFur recently posted a video of the head of the Canadian Arab Federation (who, never forget, are valuable “stakeholders” in the Human Rights Commission!) calling a group of Canadian Conservative politicians “whores”.


Immigration Minister Jason Kenney is poised to slash federal funding to Canada’s largest Arabic group after its president called him a “professional whore” for supporting Israel.

In an exclusive interview with Sun Media from London, England, where he is to speak today at an international conference on anti-Semitism, Kenney said groups are free within legal bounds to say what they like. But groups whose leaders say intolerant or hateful things shouldn’t get taxpayer funding.

See, I don’t get it — don’t groups like this get all their money from Saudi Arabia anyway?!

Look, I don’t care what the President of the Canadian Arab Federation says.

I prefer his candor to the fake state-enforced politeness that makes honest discourse impossible in this country.

What I object to is the very existence of groups like the Canadian Arab Federation, the Canadian Chinese Conservatives, or any kind of Professional Ethnic Group that purports to speak for this or that “community.”

Canada shouldn’t have “communities.”

It should have Canadians.

Professional Ethnic Groups shouldn’t receive tax funding to begin with — not because the CAF President said something rude or “hateful” (sigh — who CARES!??) but because such groups encourage ethnic identity over national identity, and become handy voting blocks for Establishment exploitation.

Look at this situation:

A group that gets government funding insults members of the government that funds it. The government turns around and threatens to slash their funding because the group said something mean about the government. Then the same group and groups like them, meanwhile, use another government agency — the Human Rights Commission — to take others to court for saying mean things about them.

And this name-calling & “I’m gonna beat you up after school” circle jerk is funded by your hard earned tax dollars in the middle of an economic meltdown.

Oh, PS:

A commenter at BCF is threatening to file a Section 13 complaint against me.


I’ve been TRYING to get a “hate speech” complaint for years now, by purposefully saying politically incorrect things about every ethnic group, including my own, on this blog.

(I’m old enough to remember George Carlin — who, incidentally, made up the idea that there were “Seven Words You Couldn’t Say on the Radio” [the FCC had no such rule until he gave them the idea]  and Lenny Bruce doing that with “swear words”; I’m just doing it with the new “unspeakables”.)

After all, such a complaint would be great publicity for me and would help me get a lot of donations and sell a ton of books.

Plus I plan to ignore it completely, other than writing GO SCREW YOURSELF on the official complaint and faxing it back to the HRC office.

People are always asking me:

Why doesn’t somebody, for once, just ignore one of these complaints, refuse to recognize the HRC’s “authority” over them, and see what happens?

You may be about to find out.

UPDATE: bwa-ha! Thanks…