5 Feet of Fury

Maybe I should just leave this post at the top of the page forever

My enemies are belligerent Muslims — from now on I’m calling them “brown supremicists” — and the radical left. Both are unfortunately being enabled by our liberal elite Establishment.

It should go without saying, therefore, that I refuse to allow my enemies to control the way I speak.

Because if they control the way I speak, they will win. And I plan to win. Competitiveness and success being foreign concepts to many liberals, I don’t expect them to comprehend that.

A note, therefore, to my enemies:

You believe in the existence of a strange creature called “group rights.” I do not accept the existence of said animal.

It follows that you also accept the notion of “group libel.” Obviously, I reject that notion also.

I refuse to accept the faddish notion that only certain groups are allowed to use certain “offensive” words when describing themselves.

I refuse to adopt the fad of writing “not all Muslims” whenever I speak about Islam.

During WW2, we spoke of “the Germans” and “the Japanese”.

No “not all” to be seen.

It was understood by normal, sane, patriotic and intelligent ordinary people that not every single solitary German was a Nazi. Even before we learned the story of Oskar Schindler and other “righteous gentiles,” U.S. citizens spoke of “good Germans” whose existence they were certain of. There were indeed angry Americans who beat up their German neighbors. Interestingly, there was no similar backlash against Muslims after 9/11.

We knew there were “good Japanese” too — at least on our shores. Despite real (as opposed to imaginary persecution), Japanese Americans volunteered to serve their adopted country and became the most decorated unit, not just during WW2, but in the entire history of the US armed forces. (Alas, a similar parallel does not exist in our current conflict for some reason.)

It was common knowledge that, yes, the Germans had invented all kinds of wonderful things and created lovely music and so forth, in a (real) glorious past (as opposed to the sometimes imaginary glorious past frequently cited by Muslim apologists.)

Likewise the Japanese.

However, at that particular moment in time, the Japanese were mutilating American G.Is and running slave brothels, while the Germans were embarked on a mission to wipe out Europes Jews and other “undesirables.”

In response, Dr. Suess and Chuck Jones made some nasty cartoons, as every college kid knows.

(Oh, and we actually killed our enemies back in those days, instead of interrogating them in Laz-E-Boy chairs and feeding them 3000 calorie a day halal meals.)

But as far as your average leftist/Muslim apologist/Canadian MP is concerned, those cartoons of Dr. Suess are worse than, say, this. (Something few university students learn about, because, hey, those cartoons are so much cooler to bash.)

I reject the twisted notion, now taken for granted by the Establishment, that, say, publishing mean cartoons is a worse crime than using rude words to described those who murdered priests, nuns and their fellow Muslims in the name of those cartoons.

I reject the twisted notion that calling looters “looters” is “racist.” That wondering aloud why millions of people no longer seem willing or able to fend for or better themselves is “racist.” That making factual observations about the world around me, based on the evidence of my senses and my lived experience, is “racist.”

I believe it is my right to reject these twisted notions. Sadly, many of those people running my country disagree.

If rejecting the language of appeasment during this conflict makes me a “racist, white supremacist whatever-the-word-is-this-week”, I will wear those appellations and others with pride.

“Racist” is the new “commie.”

I will continue to express my views, not only about belligerent, disloyal Muslims, but about everything that constitutes a threat to national security, be it the welfare state, radical ecology, the division of society into various arbitrary “victim” “communities, or official multiculturalism, “tolerance” and “diversity”.

(I also support the right to any other person, left or right, to post annoying, rude, ill-informed, provocative writing on their blog. That they don’t often extend me the same courtesy is unfortunate but I’m powerless to do much about that.)

This stance has, and will, cost me dearly. However, to do anything less would violate my conscience.

Those who dislike what they read at this blog are free to make their first visit here their last.

Let’s see how long I am free to keep writing it.

(PS: thanks to my loyal readers for your expressions of support. Without you, I could not carry on.)