5 Feet of Fury

From Oprah to Obama: America overrun by shameless parasites?

Woman begs Obama for a new car at town hall meeting.

Obama says she should talk to his staff later.

Notice how hardly anyone clapped when Obama declared that “nobody wants unemployment insurance — they want a job.”

As Rush said: “Wrong.” They just want to suck off the government teat.

From Rush Limbaugh’s transcript today (I was listening live and had to tune out. It was too depressing to think that THIS is America. Why do THEY get to live there and I don’t? Note: “Snerdley” is Rush’s producer. He’s African-American, incidentally.):

As you listen to these, I want you to imagine yourself at the town meeting. The president of the United States arrives. You are in the same room as the president of the United States. You are chosen to ask the president of the United States a question. You listen to the questions that are asked of the president of the United States by people who will have one shot in their lives to talk to him.  It’s disgraceful.  I’m just telling you here in advance, it is an absolute disgrace.


Okay, so this crowd, all they want is a kitchen.  All they want is a car and he’s talking about their medical records being computerized and hiring — can you imagine most of the people in this crowd, “What’s I.T.?  What does he mean I.T.?”


I think he realizes here that he’s talking to the night of the living dead in daytime.  The night of the living dead showed up. Here’s Obama, the smartest guy in the room talking about all these magical, wonderful things in the stimulus that he’s going to do and is gonna make these people’s lives instantly better, and it’s not enough. 

All they want is a car, they want a kitchen, and they want a new house.  This guy wants his full unemployment paid by the government. 

If that was the case, nobody would ever go back to work, if the government paid you your full unemployment.  So Obama is sitting there, and I know how he feels, there have been times in my career — and this is Snerdley’s fault — there have been times in my career where I have done the most brilliant monologue. I think, “My gosh, this is going to finally cement me as one of the world’s greatest thinkers,” and the first call I get is from somebody who didn’t get it all.  I’m saying, “My God, why am I wasting my time here working so hard to be so smart when people don’t even understand it.” 

PS: my advice to that simpering Mrs. Hughes? Maybe if you’d spent less time a-cryin’ and a-prayin’ and more time planning your life a little better, you’d have your own damn car by now!

UPDATE: Oh wait, what am I thinking?

Sooooo… how does a 61 year-old homeless woman who’s living in a pickup truck with her son JUST HAPPEN to get a ticket so she can VERY PUBLICALLY ask Prez. Obama for a HOUSE? Anyone? Who pushes her up on stage? She’s right at the front of the crowd. Did she just happen to get a seat there?

Now, within moments of this happening, it’s trumpeted all over the news. AND, surprise, surprise, the wife of State Representative Nick Thompson, Chene Thompson JUST HAPPENS to have a spare house worth $150,000 lying around, so she GIVES it to this unemployed, homeless, living-in-a-truck woman. They’ve been homeless for “more than a year”, which coincidentally, predates the current housing and banking crisis by quite a while. How did they learn about the “Obama Town Hall and Tent Revival”? Were homeless people simply rounded up? Did someone pre-canvas the area in search of “great, tear-jerking stories”? Of all the people in the audience, SHE’S one of the ones Obama chooses to ask a question?