5 Feet of Fury

I inspire a Toronto Star reporter — and “ethnicsmellaphobia” is committed!

Well, now. Just got this email from John Goddard at the Star:

Hi Kathy,

I bought The Tyranny of Nice last week, which I like very much, and got inspired to write a story in the Star today. Here is the link.

Gator Ted gets his day at the tribunal beginning June 8, which is the news in the piece.

Money quote:

The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal has scheduled 10 days to hear the case in June and July.

“People didn’t like the way I smell,” the smoker, Steve Gibson, acknowledged of one complaint against him from fellow patrons.

“But I don’t like a lot of smells either,” he said. “I can’t bare to stand near some chicks, they’ve got so much perfume on, let alone some ethnics that I don’t like the smell of that much.”

Congratulations, Steve, there is a job for you waiting at Warren Kinsella’s consulting group as we speak! Assuming you want to work, that is.

No word on whether Steve will now face a Human Rights Tribunal case of his own for committing ethnicsmellaphobia.

Pot makes you stupid, kids.

Anyway: if you’ve read The Tyranny of Nice and are curious about what happened re: the “right to smoke pot on someone else’s doorway” case, wonder no more.

I wish he’d asked how “disabled” you are if you’re well enough to visit a restaurant and father new kids after your injury.

But that’s why I don’t write for the Star any more…

PS: legalized pot: the “abortion” of libertarians. Except abortion is actually, you know, important.