5 Feet of Fury

Warning about Canadian style “free” “health” “care”

In the WSJ:

Bill Murray waited in pain for more than a year to see a specialist for his arthritic hip. The specialist recommended a “Birmingham” hip resurfacing surgery (a state-of-the-art procedure that gives better results than basic hip replacement) as the best medical option. But government bureaucrats determined that Mr. Murray, who was 57, was “too old” to enjoy the benefits of this procedure and said no. In the end, he was also denied the opportunity to pay for the procedure himself in Alberta. He’s heading to court claiming a violation of Charter rights as well.

These constitutional challenges, along with one launched in British Columbia last month, share a common goal: to win Canadians the freedom to spend their own money to protect themselves from the inadequacies of the government health-insurance system.

The Canadian system is based upon rationing. The system’s hope is that you’ll die before needing treatment, thus shortening that darn “queue.” Queue maintenance, not healing, not the individual’s pain and suffering, is the focus of the system.

Sound “compassionate” to you?

Rationing = misery.