5 Feet of Fury

Ed Anger: “Obama hates Kentucky hillbillies!”

The Teleprompter Kid better fly his magic unicorn over the rainbow and down to Kentucky pronto if he wants to keep that Spike Jones fella from making a nasty movie called “When the Generators Broke”. Obama said he’d stop the oceans from rising but he can’t melt a little snow?

: enter the Bat Boy Photoshop Contest!

Together we are going to show the world that Bat Boy is an American hero and rules the world.

The contest starts Monday and ends Wednesday night, voting will be held on Thursday. So head over to FreakingNews.com to Photoshop Bat Boy any way you wish. Some examples are: photoshopping celebrities and politicians as “Bat Boy”, showing Bat Boy at famous locations and events, Bat Boy in movies and paintings…