5 Feet of Fury

Groupie alert: Mark Steyn coming to Toronto Feb 9, but…

Steyn reports:

On Monday February 9th I’ll be at Queen’s Park in Toronto to appear before the Ontario parliament’s Standing Committee on Government Agencies as part of their review of the Ontario “Human Rights” Tribunal.

I’m not sure whether it’s open to the public – it might be Standing Committee room only – but I’ll be there at 2pm followed at 2:30pm by Terry Downey of the Ontario Federation of Labour, which supported Mohamed Elmasry and the Canadian Islamic Congress in their suits against Maclean’s for “flagrant Islamophobia”.

Other “stakeholders” will also be appearing, including at 3:30pm a mystery guest “to be confirmed”. Elmo himself? Or maybe OHRC Chief Commissar Barbara Hall?  Who knows? But, given the sweeping new powers with which Ontario’s “human rights” regime has been endowed, it is heartening  to see legislators subject it to some degree of scrutiny. I look forward to answering the members’ questions.