5 Feet of Fury

Canada: “foreign anti-Semitic provocateurs flying terrorist flags”

Read the whole thing…

Ezra Levant has the pix, story:

Again — as last time — the police told the pro-Israel counter-protesters that they risked being arrested for “inciting public disorder” if their tiny Jewish flag caused a conflagration.

Did you get that?

If the peaceful display of a Star of David “incited” the Hamas supporters to act violently, it would be the Israel supporters who would be charged. I wonder how much longer — months? years? — until police are telling people that wearing “provocative” Christian crosses is cause for arrest, too.(…)

These hate marches call for political and economic marginalization; for a reassertion of ordinary Canadians’ civic responsibilities; for a restatement of Canadian values, like Jason Kenney did the other day; and, frankly, for a re-calibration of Canada’s immigration policies: more law-abiding peaceful Canadians, less terrorist sympathizers. And I can’t think of a value or interest that would be offended by the deportation of non-citizens who fly terrorist flags in Canada (other than the liberal value of civilizational suicide).

PS: Speaking of wearing crosses, I see these belligerent Muslim bozos are still into Rachel Corrie. Time for us to reinstate Rachel Corrie Day, where we all eat pancakes and wear little Dinky Toy bulldozers on chains around our necks!

Ezra calls on “property owners to show some self respect,” but remember: the right to private property IS NOT protected in Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

As I’ve been saying here for months: our free speech campaign is as much about property rights as it is about the right to speak and publish.

Belligerent Muslims tried to hijack Maclean’s magazine over Mark Steyn’s articles; Muslim pirates tried to do the same when Ezra published the Mohammed cartoons in his (now sunk) magazine, the Western Standard.

Until the average Canadian cares as much about these abstract issues as they do about how long their daily commute is and buying lottery tickets and going to Home Depot every Saturday, we’ll stay stuck.

We have to frame this as:

a) a pocketbook issue (which 95% of Canadians care about): how our tax dollars are being wasted

b) a priniciple issue (which 5% of Canadians care about): all those Big, Capitalized Nouns: Freedom, Liberty, Statism, War

PPS: stop Muslim immigration to Canada now.