5 Feet of Fury

Canucki Jihad: new website from FreeMarkSteyn

Tireless webmeister Binks, whose FreeMarkSteyn is still the go-to roundup of free speech news, now has a new blog called Canucki Jihad, about the rise of what I call belligerent Islam in Canada:

The outbreak of Jew-hating protests, Hizbollah and Hamas flags, and general ugliness in the middle of Canadian cities over the past two weeks is a wake-up call. They are already here. They hate the West– though they enjoy the comforts– and they think sharia and soft-jihad are really rather fine things. (…)

Denial is a luxury we can no longer afford. Passivity is surrender. We’ve welcomed and embraced people who hate us and want to submit our nation and erase Western civilization.