5 Feet of Fury

Ed Anger “mixed up as a she-goat at a Taliban stag party”

America’s angriest columnist writes:

Seems a bunch of Iranians were protesting something or other, and besides screaming who-knows-what in their crazy language, they burned a picture of our new Communist-in-Chief. They even called him a “house slave” and other names I haven’t heard since that time I went to see “Mandingo” at the drive-in.

The way those Iranians were yelling,”Death to America,” I thought I was looking at a Sunday service at Obama’s old church.

Now, I may think our new Communist-in-Chief is a snotty little know-nothing whippersnapper who hangs out with trigger happy hippies when he’s not stealing other folk’s money – but I’m an American! I’m allowed to say that!