5 Feet of Fury

Before Rush… before Ann… there was… Ed Anger — and he’s back (UPDATED)

If you’re like me, and grew up in liberal environs, the first and only “right wing columnist” you ever read was “Ed Anger”, the perpetually 72-year-old curmudgeon at the Weekly World News who was always “madder than…” about something or other.

Well, the Weekly World News no longer graces supermarket checkouts in all its black and white glory. It now exists entirely on the web (are you reading this, NYT?).

And Ed Anger has recovered from his post-election coma and is back and better than ever!

I’m madder than Jesse Ventura with a busted microphone about that idiot Al Franken.

It’s bad enough America picked a commie President with a crazy name, but now Minnesota went and made some potty mouth “comedian” a senator.

Our Founding Fathers didn’t die at the Boston Tea Party just so a four-eyed squirt like Franken could get himself elected.

If George Washington were alive today, he’d slap every idiot in Minnesota with a cold slab of dried out fish, except they’d probably like it!

Those people eat deep fried Snickers bars and build statues out of butter to win prizes.

Ed’s calling on all patriotic, red blooded Americans to boycott Minne Commie-sota, and he’s got lots of suggestions on how to do just that.

Add yours in the comments — he forgot to talk about the Vikings, so you sports buffs should have fun.

UPDATE: Chad the Elder admits…

As much as it stings, that butter charge is hard to deny.

As proof, he posts a photo of Al Franken — sculpted in butter!