5 Feet of Fury

“Muslims out of Toronto!” (UPDATED with Mark Steyn stuff + “Best Comeback to Sid Ryan Evar”

Stop Muslim immigration to Canada now. We can drive our own cabs, thanks. And do it better…

“Hitler didn’t do a good job”: video.

Muslims call Jews “the products of pigs” in the streets of Toronto, punch cameraman.

These are the kinds of people Sid Ryan sides with. Your union dues at “work”, folks.

No one who works indoors needs a union. These anachronistic partisan groups can’t fade away soon enough.


Just unplug your computer now“Best Comeback to Sid Ryan That Could Possibly Be Written, No Matter What Possible Alternative Combination of English Language Words You Could Come Up With”:

“Attacking an institution of learning is just beyond the pale,” CUPE Ontario president Sid Ryan said last night. “They deliberately targeted an institution of learning.”

“That’s what the Nazis did.”

To which a sadly unsung commenter replied:

“Outing Jews in academia, banning them from teaching: that is what the Nazi’s did, and they did it early.”

Ezra Levant has more on the Canadian Left & anti-semitism.


Mark Steyn writes…

By the way, it’s good to know that, while my books and columns may be “hate crimes” in Ontario, shouting explicitly genocidal and eliminationist slogans on Toronto’s main downtown thoroughfare isn’t.

Indeed, the city will send a large detachment of police officers to protect your right to do so.

I notice in the pictures of demonstrations in western cities many of the protestors appear to be Muslim. There is a crude arithmetic logic about European antipathy to the Zionist Entity: For your average finger-in-the-windy politician, there is simply no electoral upside in being pro-Israel, and quite a lot of potential downside. If you think Europe is soft on Israel’s “right to exist” now, just wait another ten years.

I say our next pro-Israel rally should include signs that read: