5 Feet of Fury

“The Eternal Danish Optimist”

RightSideNews has an exclusive interview with Lars Hedegaard, President of the International Free Press Society:

The upper crust, the upper classes are simply opposed to the idea of the West. They hate our freedoms. They hate our culture. We saw it in the ’30s, with the British aristocracy [alliance with] Hitler. We saw it in the U.S., where many members of the political class were Stalinists, Alger Hiss and what not. Books were written about that. And again now, we see it. It’s a very mysterious thing.

Why has practically every Danish political party backed immigration of Muslims into the country. We have taken in 10,000s people from the back woods, goat herders and the like who could neither read nor write. For what purpose? Why have they done that?


And also, despite the fact that I am probably one of the most hated men in Denmark, the enemies of free speech don’t know really where I am coming from. My views are noted. Hardly a week goes by than I am not talked about. “He’s an idiot. He’s an asshole. He’s evil.” But as long as you annoy them, you’re okay.