5 Feet of Fury

Gays and blacks: the saga continues

In the summer of 2006 I attended the National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute at the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute at Harvard. One of the guest presenters was ninety-five year old Johnnie Carr, the woman who took over the Montgomery Improvement Association in 1956 after the successful bus boycott when Martin Luther King, Jr. went on to form the Southern Christian Leadership Convention. Carr told stories and fielded questions. I’m not sure how the topic of gay people came up but at the mention of the word “homosexual” her face shriveled up and she moved her hand in a wide sweeping gesture, then exclaimed, “Those DISGUSTING people!” She made some inaudible comments then said the word “DISGUSTING” again.

The entire core of modern Leftist thought seems to combine a series of old quotations taken out of context, plus “hurt feelings”. Surely to God we can defeat that.

Oh, and she compares Matthew Shepard to Emmet Till, don’t miss that. No word on the Knoxville Horror, though. Weird. And she lauds Hughey Newton for being pro-gay. A clip & save column for the time capsule, folks.