5 Feet of Fury

There are 100 “Friends of Liberty” in Canada?! (UPDATED)

I’m #65. Thanks, guys!

Ezra’s number one, as it should be. Mark Steyn is #9. Since a commenter at another blog called me “Mark Steyn’s butt plug” the other day, I’d be remiss in not mentioning that!

I like the idea that “While the Top 10 list is diverse, a theme does emerge: civil disobedience…”

Marc Emery at #3? Not so much. The libertarian obsession with “smoking pot without a helmet” will be their downfall. No adult with kids and problems and responsibilities wants to live in a country run by the cast of Clerks. They make fun of prolifers, but for these guys, spliffs are their fetuses, which is even sadder.

UPDATED: Michelle Malkin (!!) twitters:

Congrats, Kathy, and thanks for all your tireless work on behalf of liberty, free speech, and fighting jihad/sharia!