5 Feet of Fury

“You’re not seriously suggesting that the Government of Canada is really clamping down on free speech, are you?”

Mark Steyn, on what some of us have to deal with every day up in our “Tyranny of Nice”:

Actually, yes, I am. What else would you call it when 13 servants of the Crown are paid by taxpayers to investigate one small website for two-and-a-half years (so far)? Anyone who spends ten minutes at Free Dominion understands that it’s a website of more or less conventional conservative opinion well within the mainstream of right-of-center thought, while prone — as is every popular political site — to occasional moments of overheatedness in the comments section.

That’s it, that’s all.

There’s nothing going on at Free Dominion to warrant legions of hack bureaucrats investigating it at public expense for a quarter of a decade, and counting. I was in court on the day Dean Steacy, Canada’s top-secret “Jade Warrior” and Number Two undercover Internet Nazi (after Richard Warman), compared Free Dominion to the US white supremacist website Stormfront (see page 5766 of the transcript), and my first thought from the public seats was that the comparison was almost certainly libelous. But my second thought is the more relevant one: the remark demonstrates that Mr Steacy is simply too stupid to play creepy fantasist secret agent in cyberspace all week long.

If you need any explicit evidence, look at the CHRC’s response to Free Dominion’s “Freedom of Information” request: 23 pages in which everything has been redacted except the automated e-mail signatures of the CHRC bureaucrats.

Ezra Levant writes: “They’re like teenage girls… with police powers behind them…”

Actually it’s not true that this is the worst violation of privacy and access to information laws that I’ve ever seen. The CHRC is currently under investigation by the Privacy Commissioner for hacking into the Internet account of a private citizen to cover their tracks as they accessed their CHRC memberships in neo-Nazi organizations.


Seriously, what kind of losers sit around their government offices all day, on the taxpayers dime, reading political chat sites, and sending urgent (and highly confidential!) e-mails to each other about them?


 They basically surf the Internet (they come to my site daily, according to my statistic program), looking for gossip about them. They’re inveterate self-Googlers. Like their boss, Jennifer Lynch, they’re extremely vain.

When they see someone talking about them, they send furious e-mails back and forth.

They’re like teenaged girls gossiping about some dreamy guy. Except that they’re paid six-figure salaries by taxpayers. And they have police powers behind them.


But underneath all of our contempt, we should laugh at them. They’re a bunch of thin-skinned nobodies, whiling away their days gossiping about what is said about them on the Internet.

It’s pitiful, really. I mean, who grows up thinking, “I want to be an Internet peeping tom when I grow up?” What a bunch of losers. They’re one step up from sifting through peoples’ garbage, trying to read their mail.