5 Feet of Fury

I make the Best of the Canadian Conservative Blogosphere list

Thanks Michael!

Kathy Shaidle writes well, and has never been afraid to tackle some of the most controversial and thought-provoking ideas of our time. An intriguing read, and a very worthwhile one.

I love the fact that my co-defendants Ezra Levant and Kate McMillan made the list, at the newspaper that’s being sued along with us.

Also: well deserved praise for Gerry Nicholls (who should be way more famous than he is), my longtime supporter Dr. Roy and my editor at Interim Books, Paul Tuns:

Sobering Thoughts Paul Tuns, editor-in-chief of The Interim, runs one of the most intellectual blogs in Canada. He discusses politics and economics extremely well, and has a real passion for culture and sports.