5 Feet of Fury

More Facebook jihad

In light of yesterday’s news about the UK “moderate” Muslim leader who promotes violence on Facebook (and then displays typical beligerent Muslim p.r. skills when questioned by an infidel journalist…), here we have more parasitical hijacking of OUR technology for THEIR ends (read the whole, very long, post):

Last week on the password-protected jihadist forum Faloja, Umar Abd al-Hakim (aka Omar Abdul Hakim) posted an outline of a campaign to invade Facebook by jihadi propagandists.

Called “Ghazwat al-Nusra2″ (Aid Invasion2), the campaign is compartmentalized and hierarchical. See the disturbing outline below the fold.

According to Umer’s post:

    * We have already had great success in raiding Youtube.
    * American politicians have used Facebook to get votes, like the house slave Obama.
    * Anyone can join and you can reach millions of people. The April 6 youth are a good example of this.