5 Feet of Fury

CBC’s “Little Mosque” show tied to treasonous, pro-sharia Muslim Brotherhood

Tarek Fatah writes:

Last week I received an e-mail message from the Canadian chapter of the U. S.-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) asking me to join “CBC and CAIRCan to fight hunger.” The cast and crew of Little Mosque on the Prairie, the CBC, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) and CAIR had teamed up to fight against hunger and were asking for donations to the Daily Bread Food Bank.

On face value, this is an admirable deed. Who can argue against using star power to motivate Muslims to donate to a charity. However, if you scratch below the surface, there is much more than meets the eye.


To those of us Muslims who escaped the tyranny of Islamists in the Arab world and South Asia, shivers run up our spine when we see the ease with which MAC and other Islamists can fly under the radar and even manage to appropriate the CBC name and logo in their plans.

The question all Canadians should be asking is this: What good is it to send our troops to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan when our own public broadcaster is tricked into according respectability to Islamist organizations that share the same doctrine of Jihad?

I hope Hubert Lacroix, the new head of the CBC will recognize that the good name of the public broadcaster is tarnished as a result of partnering with CAIR and MAC. Lacroix should ensure such a hijacking of the CBC is prevented in the future. The world is witnessing a world-wide struggle that is pitting ordinary Muslims against well-funded Islamists. The least the CBC can do is not side with those who wish to implement the Muslim Brotherhood agenda on Canada.

Our tax dollars at work, my fellow Canadians.

You can complain to the CBC here and contact the Ombudsman here.