5 Feet of Fury

Professional feminists (who thrive on my dime) call today’s anti-coup rallies — sniff! — “inappropriate”

It’s Montreal Massacre Day, gddmit! This is no time to think of patriarchal crap like “constitutional crises”.

We’re supposed to mark December 6 by remembering the day dozens of “men” ran away, leaving fourteen women to die at the hands of a Muslim immigrant’s son… oh wait…

Ever wonder why the Canadian media hardly ever runs “Marc Lepine’s” picture in the paper?

We tell ourselves that, unlike those yucky stupid fat Americans, we don’t “glorify” our mass murderers. Which is crap of course: Paul Bernardo’s and Karla Holmalka’s faces and (very blonde hair) are seared in our minds.

It’s really because “Marc Lepine” looks like he’s auditioning for a walk on as Terrorist #3:

Mark Steyn has been on this for years; nice to see more people like this blogger coming out:

Besides, those from my generation are getting fed up with getting blamed, ad nauseum, for something we didn’t do and those of my son’s generation are sick and tired of getting nagged over something that happened before they were born.

If Gamil Gharbi’s my fault, then Karla Homolka’s your damned fault.