5 Feet of Fury

The unspeakable truth: Jihad about religion AND race

Nicholas Stix:

As James Fulford noted, the Moslem terrorists who murdered 188 people in Bombay (Mumbai) and wounded over 300, were not instructed to kill Christians or “Infidels” as such, but to kill whites (“target whites, preferably Americans and British”). (Since they went out of their way to find and kill Jews, the terrorists obviously had special instructions in that case, as well.)

Islam’s apologists tell us that it is a religion transcending race, but few Moslems seem to have gotten the memo. Whether in Scandinavia, or France, nowadays, a pretty, blonde, Christian girl walking down a street has the sickening realization that she is about to be gang-raped, when she hears a foreign-accented voice cry out, “White slut!” or “Australian slut!”

Not “Infidel slut!”


In the West, Moslem immigrants are encouraged to attack the people off whom they are often leaching, by educational and media establishments which incessantly propagandize that they are “victims” of Western “racism,” and against the peoples of their own lands, and by governments which grant the invaders privileges and disenfranchise their own peoples.

In other words, the Moslems are simply joining the (for now) low-intensity civil wars that Western elites have long been waging against their own peoples. And due to the institutionalized power of racist civil rights and multicultural dogma, the language of that civil war has been the language of race war.

Observers are warned not to fall for the literal meaning of such sophistry, which suggests that Moslems are the friends of “persons of color.” Moslems have always supported slavery, and still do, and Arab Moslems hold blacks—even black Moslems—in particular contempt. (Although, if one tried tallying up all the groups that Moslems hold up as objects of particular contempt, one would eventually find that the Religion of Humiliation and Hatred leaves out scarcely anyone, including Moslems!)