5 Feet of Fury

“Lack of love, not misogyny, led to Montreal Massacre”

So: was a woman — Lepine’s mother — to blame…?

Susan Martinuk in the Calgary Herald:

Saturday will mark 19 years since the Dec. 6 Montreal massacre, when 14 female engineering students attending the Ecole Polytechnique were killed. The most haunting aspect of the murders is that the women were separated from their male counterparts and then systematically shot as the gunman, Marc Lepine, shouted, “I hate feminists.” Lepine then continued shooting throughout the school, eventually wounding another 14 (10 women and four men) before taking his own life. (…)

Lepine should not have the power to define relationships between men and women or symbolize violence against women. He was an emotionally disturbed man who was disconnected from people and had no regard for most living things. He had a huge temper that flared at the most trivial events. Frankly, it was only a matter of time before he exploded to kill someone– female or male.

Of course, the day wouldn’t be complete without my annual “the ‘men’ who left the classroom that day were wimps” bitching!