5 Feet of Fury

Die die DIE already, if you’re gonna do it just DO IT and DIIIIIIEEEEEEE before you breed PLEEEEZE!!!

From our “See, I #&%$ing TOLD you so ALL A-Frickin-LONG” files:

Nobody knows for sure what’s driving the increase [in ALLEGED peanut “allergies”]. But some doctors think it’s media hype and parental neurosis. CDC studies show about 25% of parents think their kids have food allergies when only about 4% really do. And only 1% actually have peanut allergies. (…)

CDC data show food allergy deaths are extremely rare, with peanut-related deaths almost nonexistent.

Terrorists won’t have to hijack planes or even bomb us next time. They’ll just have to throw peanuts at us and we’ll shrivel up on the gdmn sidewalks.

In a (yes, I’ll say it: decadent bourgeious) culture that honors weakness and victimhood more than strength and heroism, fake epidemics and hypochondria should come as no surprise. Except they do because people are just so damn dumb.
