5 Feet of Fury

Black Friday violence: Sick “savages” trample Wal-Mart employee to death

UPDATE — yep:

We really do need a special word for the sort of lower-class, often-welfare-supported, yet overfed, over-supplied with unnecessary material goods like brand-name shoes and clothes and electronic equipment, under-educated and ill-mannered ranks…

“He was bum-rushed by 200 people,” said Jimmy Overby, 43, a co-worker. “They took the doors off the hinges. He was trampled and killed in front of me. They took me down too…I literally had to fight people off my back.”

The unidentified victim was rushed to an area hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 6:03 a.m., police said.

The cause of death wasn’t immediately available pending results of an autopsy.

A 28-year-old pregnant woman was knocked to the floor during the mad rush. She was hospitalized for observation, police said. Early witness accounts that the woman suffered a miscarriage were unfounded, police said.

Three other shoppers suffered minor injuries, cops said.

Before police shut down the store, eager shoppers streamed past emergency crews as they worked furiously to save the store clerk’s life.

“They were working on him, but you could see he was dead, said Halcyon Alexander, 29. “People were still coming through.”

Only a few stopped.

“They’re savages,” said shopper Kimberly Cribbs, 27. “It’s sad. It’s terrible.”

The comments at the Daily News are, er, fascinating.

I’m guessing this is the first time some of these people have been up at 5AM…

Let’s see who Al Sharpton and Rev. Wright blame for this. I’m guessing… Wal-Mart!!

PS: I’m currently reading Larry Elder’s entertaining-if-depressing-and-infuriating Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card–and Lose, available at Amazon.com and of course as a $1 selection when you join the Conservative Book Club. (It was one of my $1 picks when I joined a few weeks ago…)

VERY interesting stuff, including a reprint of this hundred year old piece of advice called The Twelve Things The Negro Must Do For Himself, by Nannie Helen Burroughs, which is probably “hate speech” in 21st Century Canada.

Hell, from the looks of it, I don’t have much time left to get charged under Section 13, so here’s an excerpt:

9. He Must Improve His Conduct In Public Places. Taken as a whole, he is entirely too loud and too ill-mannered. There is much talk about wiping out racial segregation and also much talk about achieving integration. Segregation is a physical arrangement by which people are separated in various services. It is definitely up to the Negro to wipe out the apparent justification or excuse for segregation. The only effective way to do it is to clean up and keep clean. By practice, cleanliness will become a habit and habit becomes character.