5 Feet of Fury

“If we had five Kathy Shaidles, there would be no stealth jihad in this country or on this continent.”

The great Robert Spencer succeeds in both humbling me and guaranteeing that my already swollen head will no longer fit through the door…

Kathy Shaidle is a great warrior of free speech in Canada, where that fundamental right is already largely lost — as she chronicles in her book The Tyranny of Nice (which she wrote with Pete Vere). The book is “excellent, superb, rollicking, harrowing, much needed,” as I told her in an email.

And her weblog Five Feet of Fury maintains the same level of excellence as it chronicles, among other things, the demise of sanity and pusillanimity before Islamic supremacism in Canada in the most wildly entertaining fashion, full of Swiftian savage indignation, making it a daily must-read.