Blogger “The Mayor of Mitchieville” just spoke to disgruntled exotic dancer Kim Ouwroulis, the Canadian stripper fired for being too old, who is taking her grievance to the Human Rights Commission — your tax dollars at work, my fellow Canadians!
Mayor–What % of stripper watching men would you consider to be pigs? Can you give us some examples of bizarre male behaviour …?
*writing a book about it now* Seriously; most of my experiences with men are amazing. I click with most of the guys I’ve danced for; and it’s all about a good time.! Every single guy is different; but I just don’t think of guys as p.i.g.s….not even after 4 years! I have to be thankful that these guys are in the bars…so bring them in….! Worry about the grab factor my attitude.
Mayor–What about the guys on pervert row–you must have a story about those cats?
Mostly it is young guys who sit in the front row…they just want to have fun…so yes; they jump up on stage and lay on their backs; and then I do my thing…which is funny where I grab the cash with my boobs. My new boobs;
Mayor–Don’t you think $20 is a ridiculous price for a lap dance?We are talking about full nudity! Up close and personal…for a number of minutes…no, it’s worth it. The most I ever did for one man was 65 dances; and he tipped me as well.It was the cleanest dancing; don’t get me wrong; so at the time it was the credit card record, the manager told me as I was paid!