5 Feet of Fury

Canadian Jewish News: Human Rights Commission staff paid (by our tax dollars) to post anti-semitic messages on the internet

Ezra Levant has the great news about the “mainstreaming” of the message we’ve been trying to get out to the general public via our websites (and we’re being sued for doing so):

The Canadian Jewish News has done something I honestly never thought it would do. It ran a news story by staff reporter Paul Lungen, at some length, revealing the CHRC’s dirty little secret: CHRC staff regularly go online and post hundreds of anti-Semitic, anti-black and anti-gay “hate messages”, all in the name of fighting hate.

As I’ve written before, a year ago if someone had told me that the CHRC employs government bureaucrats, on taxpayers’ expense, to join U.S. neo-Nazi groups and publish countless bigoted messages, I would have called him a crazy conspiracy theorist and told him to get back on his meds. But then I did my research — I read sworn testimony by CHRC staff, especially by [The Guy Who Is Suing Us], confessing to hundreds of such bigoted posts; and I went online to verify those bigoted posts with my own eyes.

To see these facts presented very fairly and objectively in the CJN is a huge landmark. It means we’re now deep inside territory that would have been safe CHRC country a year ago. It means that even some Official Jews — at least those writing and editing the CJN — have come to realize that there is a sickness in the CHRC, and it has to be excised.

Government agents get rewarded with big salaries, jobs for life and juicy pensions for posting hate speech in Nazi drag.

Ezra and I and other bloggers get sued for daring to point that out in public.

Welcome to Canuckistan.

We’ve still got a long and expensive fight ahead of us, but like Ezra, I sense a change in the wind.

It couldn’t have happened without the support of thousands of ordinary Canadians who read our blogs and also want to challenge and defy the twisted “wisdom” of our elite Establishment liberal betters working in the government’s employ.

Thank you.