5 Feet of Fury

UPDATED: Carleton University Students Association goes off the deep end, drowns (we hope)

As we reported here first, early this morning…

A poll up today at 580 CFRA Radio asks:

Do you support a motion to the Carleton University Students Association calling for cancellation of Shinearama fundraising for Cystic Fibrosis, because according to the motion the disease “only affects white people, primarily men” and Carleton students want fundraising to “serve their diverse communities”?

I’ve sent an email to the Students Association asking for more info…

But hey, if you’re white, who cares, right?

If we’re lucky, all these students will someday get some (particularly painful) “white people’s disease” and die before they breed or do any additional damage to society.

UPDATE: Now the MSM has picked up the story (and The Students Association wouldn’t talk to me, either, guys…)

I sent a heads up to Jonathan Kay about the story this morning and he has a good post up:

Members of the Students’ Association at Carleton University have disgraced themselves and their school. In a fair world, their funding would be docked by the same amount they raised for CF last year — and the money directed toward the disease’s victims, in all their “inclusive” need.


CUSA president Brittany Smyth said the idea of changing next year’s orientation fundraiser to focus on a different charity, perhaps a local cause, first came up about a year ago.

She said that the part of the motion that refers to why Shinerama has been cancelled is irrelevant, not part of the official meeting record and simply reflects the rationale of the councillor who raised the motion.

“It completely depends on the individual,” Smyth told CTV.ca. “It’s 100 per cent their opinion. Their opinion doesn’t have to be fact or anything really. It’s just how this individual felt.”