5 Feet of Fury

They’re not the new Jews. They’re the new Nazis.

Mohammed Al-Sharpton isn’t very smart, but he’s learned at least this much from them “mentorin’ Jews” — blame the Holocaust on words you don’t like, then watch the cash roll in.

Jewish blogger Scaramouche writes:

It appears Elmo has learned his victim lessons very well: “hate speech” invariably leads to genocide. I’m happy to allay his concerns. The Holocaust did not, I repeat, did not, happen because of “hate speech.” It happened because an ambitious leader who had some bizarre hold over his people sought to bring about a thousand-year rule by Ubermenchen, and for some crazy reason got it into his head that the way to do that was to “cleanse” the world of Jews. As far as I know, there isn’t anyone on today’s scene who has any interest in doing something similar to Muslims. So don’t fret, Elmo, your fears are completely groundless.

Yeah, but those darn facts are so troublesome:

As an aside, why is he claiming to be out of pocket? I thought the HRCs pick up the complainants’ legal tab, and that esteemed attorney, Faisal Joseph, was working pro bono. Is he just trying to make us feel sorry for him?)

No idea, Scaramouche. At a meeting at a mosque where they didn’t realize mere infidels were listening, one of El-Mo’s sock puppets boasted:

that the fight against McLeans magazine only cost the muslims $60,000.00. mostly for travel expenses, while it cost McLeans [sic] in excess of $2,000,000.00.

Yet Al-Sharpton and Co. need money for something, because they just held a $500/plate dinner:

The Canadian Islamic Congress cordially invites you to a special Gala Dinner on Nov. 15 to honor CIC’s legal team for its excellence in community service pertaining to the groundbreaking human rights case against Maclean’s Magazine.

That’s a lotta falafel. An appeal “war chest” perhaps? Can’t they just get some dough from Somali pirates or something?

By the way, in the interview in question, Mohammed Elmasry a) claims his delcaration that all Israeli citizens are valid terrorist targets was “taken out of context.” So: here’s the context, for your edification.

b) claims he speaks for “70% of Canada’s Muslims.”

If this isn’t true, then, Muslims, IT IS YOUR DUTY TO CORRECT THE RECORD IN PUBLIC. Silence = agreement here in Anglo-Saxon Land, you see.

So: we’ll all be waiting.

(chirp chirp)

See, “all” Elmo’s is trying to do is establish sharia throughout Canada  “prevent the genocide of Muslims in Canada.” Of course, the fastest way for Mohammed Al-Sharpton to keep Canadians from wanting to kill Muslims would be for Elmo to keep his stupid mouth shut and stop trying to hijack other people’s magazines/ban alcohol from university campuses/call Jewish children “legitimate targets for terrorism”!

Just a thought. Crazy, I know…

PS: Elmo makes the commonplace leftwing assertion that Canada’s aboriginal population was the victim of genocide. If that’s true, how come they’re still costing us so damn much money a hundred years later?

For dead people, their upkeep is pretty frickin’ expensive.