5 Feet of Fury

My new book The Tyranny of Nice gets first review: “an excellent and necessary book”

John Jalsevac writes:

Indeed, this humble pair has done a great service for those who are concerned about the future of democratic freedoms in Canada. They have pulled together in one short, easy-to-read, 80-page volume, a goodly portion of the lunacy of the commissions, well documented and entertainingly presented; and the end result is to leave no question that the commissions amount to a serious threat to freedom in Canada and that something must be done about it.

The question, however, as previously suggested, is whether your average reader is prepared to accept what Shaidle and Vere have to offer, no matter how straightforward the facts may seem. Will your average Canuck swallow the fact that their human rights tribunals once decided that requiring an employee at a fast-food restaurant to wash her hands violated her human rights? That they actually wrote, “There was no evidence of: the relationship between food contamination and hand-washing”?

Or that asking a patron at a bar and grill not to smoke marijuana in the doorway violated his human rights? Or that a tribunal is currently “investigating” the case of a stand-up comedian who heckled his hecklers because this may have violated their human rights?  (…)

Mark Steyn himself penned the introduction to The Tyranny of Nice. The ten bucks the book costs is well worth it just for the introduction alone, which is guaranteed to offend the CHRC bureaucrats, and to make the rest of us who still have our humor gland intact laugh out loud.

The Tyranny of Nice is an excellent and necessary book, a first step in educating Canadians and non-Canadians alike on the threat of the human rights commissions and what can be done about them. Buy it, read it, and, most importantly of all, act on it.