5 Feet of Fury

David Frum NOT one of the “Favorite People on the Right”

The Canadian Media Genetic Incest Lottery Winner didn’t make the cut. Shocka!

Readers write in re: yesterday’s posts:

What the hell has David Frum ever accomplished?  Full stop.

I remember reading him in the Sun when he (and I and you) were just 22 or so.  He seemed intelligent enough then, but 10-15 years ago it became apparent that he wanted, oh-so-badly, to be accepted into establishment conservatism, and I haven’t even bothered to look at anything he has written in the past 10 years.  It is indistinguishable from all of the other “I’m Ivy League and clever – you’re not” crap that is de riguer at the “conservative” magazine National Review.

A look at “conservative” parties in the US, Canada, and UK shows the same problem in all three places: rich kids who have accepted the technocratic culture of the credentialed elite, and who, to a man, despise the masses as inferior – just like the left (granted, Harper doesn’t fit the rich-kid mold, but he has obviously swallowed the technocratic myth whole).

Until these parties learn to ban such men from leadership roles, they will never oppose the illiberal politics of the left, and, for the most part, they will embrace/applaud them.

Keep up the righteous battle.

Like me, Rick McGinnis was particularly put off by the self-important yet vaguely “Three C P One” headsets:

Sheesh, it’s like [Frum’s] discovered that he loves the taste of his own shoe.

What, pray tell, did he say on that Hot Air clip that had any resemblance to a reality outside the confines of his own office? I felt like someone was sucking the air out of the room as I watched it – I can’t imagine what a few hours in his company must be like.

I mean, suburban voters have decided that Democrats aren’t a threat to their money, but Republicans are?

How, where, and what the fuck?

And yeah, nothing excites the base like two wonks, one bloviating, one bored, sitting in their white shirts and ties and lawyer boy haircuts in front of their webcams wearing */goddamn headsets/*!!!

It’s like porn from some other planet. One that we need to nuke


p.s. Talked to a friend at Ryerson’s J-school – the only one I have there – about [John] Miller.

From what he said, he’s this tired old duffer on his way out (last year, apparently) whose contributions to the curriculum – diversity studies, he says – are being phased out as he leaves, to the immense gratitude of the students.

He lamely tried to defend him for some kind of study he did on Ipperwash (Jesus wept), but basically agreed that he was a relic that needs to be fed a few tasty carrots, back of the barn, pat on the head…  [redacted by Kathy for fear of knock on the door from the cops]