5 Feet of Fury

From our bulging “The Hispanic vote doesn’t frickin’ matter, you idiots” file

I can’t believe the National Review let this get posted:

According to the usual suspects, the benchmark in garnering Hispanic votes for Republicans is Bush’s 40 percent showing in 2004. So what would have happened if McCain had matched Bush’s performance, instead of the 31 percent he actually got? Based on CNN’s exit polls, McCain still would have lost Nevada, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, not to mention, say, California and New Jersey. Conversely, even if Obama had won 90 percent of the Hispanic vote in Texas, instead of 63 percent, he still would have lost the state. With the possible exception of North Carolina, where the results were close but the number of Hispanic voters is too small to register in the exit poll, there doesn’t seem to be a single state where the Hispanic vote was critical to the outcome.

Karl Rove & Co., insist that Mexican immigrants are social conservatives and therefore a natural fit with the Republican party. But blacks are social conservatives too, contrary to what this guy says, and they vote Democrat.

What’s more: Mexicans have no knowledge of American history, and bring with them a culture of systemic corruption, crime, illiteracy, animal abuse, drunk driving and more. Please get back to me with the names of 10 Mexican Nobel Prize winners. All on top of not speaking English.

Importing even more criminal illiterate future Democrats as a permanent slave underclass is the problem, not the solution.