5 Feet of Fury

John Miller, j-school prof, seems confused

November 6:

As an example, I mentioned Maclean’s columnist Mark Steyn’s lack of responsibility in quoting Ayatollah Khomeini, who allegedly said that it’s okay for a man to have sex with animals, as long as he kills them after orgasm and doesn’t feed the meat to his own village. He gave no citation for the quote (CORRECTION: I was wrong. He actually attributed it to Oriana Fallaci) and I suspect it was made up. 

November 15:

With all due respect, Mr. Steyn, I did not accuse you of making up a quote. You clearly accepted someone else’s word for it.

UPDATE: Mark Steyn comments…

That’s the great thing about the self-appointed “Journalism Doctor”: When he diagnoses you, he provides his own second opinion.